“Smoking is injurious to health”, people of almost all age groups
know this fact, but nobody wants to take a accept that almost 63 percent of the Bangalore public has this habit. "Lets have a
smoke" is a common dialogue of the present generation these days. For some
people it’s a mere fashion or custom to hang out with their friends with a
cigarette in their hand, and for some others it’s a habit which they can't quit.
The initial habit of smoking is replaced by regular purchase
of cigarettes to find out the pleasure of taking the smoke inside, this inturn
leads to regular purchase of cigarettes and one doesn’t know when the effect
becomes a habit. This inturn makes a vital influence on one's habit as regular
use of cigarettes makes us socially vulnerable to other new things that can be
tried out in course of time. The whole aspect of smoking is related to
satisfying the peer pressure that one experiences through their college life
and related groups which are formed at that point of time. A few people get
over this habit only because of the continuous efforts of their loved ones and
other people who have lost a lot, only because of this habit. And of course we
all know public smoking is an offense.
Photo Credits : Amith M
Amith M
I hope and pray all you kids who smoke -- pl understand that its not cool You are triggering cancer cells in your body.